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To the sincere and |
I have said so, and that's what happened! What did I say? It won't be long, then the messenger brings from Switzerland A little bride on a soft hand, a lovely little bride with a wreath to the church visit and the wedding dance. It is true, of course, and such a man, a little wife he must have. Early, when he in the dawn on the road to Brugg and Basel walks, who will take him warmly and lovingly first, for God's protection and a kiss in his arms? And when he with the evening star comes to his home, what would he like? There should be someone at the front door, She should come to meet him, and say kindly: "God greeds you, dear man and Swiss messenger!" And she should say to him: "Dear husband, come quickly, put on your slippers, and the jacket! On the tablecloth stands your little soup of white bread. Come dear soul, and have supper now! And your bed is already made for you. He knows that well, my Swiss messenger, It's not, as if I wanted to tell him. That's why he has a long Rhine and canton out and canton in, many a girl taken sharply into the eyes, to see if not the right one would come soon. And canton out and canton in, soon on the Limmat, soon on the Rhine, probably he has seen good girls, like the little rose red, white as snow, so thousendbeautiful and good and happy. The right one didn't want to come. It doesn't matter, my dear Swiss messenger said: "I'll find them, God willing!" I almost believe it, Mr Messenger man! You've had it close by for a long time. Open your eyes! By the Sapperlott, she won't come herself. God forgive me! And now he has she, and he is happy, the Landammann is certainly not so. Give what you have, offer what you want, He would not barter with the emperor. He now looks at his little bride: "Now you are my wife and I'm your husband!" I say it freely, and say it aloud: Mr Swiss messenger with your bride, God grant you a good wife, and as you are happy, so are we, and may God grant you always much new joy of love. Think, when it has wintered once more, what will stretch itself in the little bed and smiles sweetly? My messenger man, he looks at his sweet little boy. He grabs a sweet sugar ring: "Look what I bring you from Aarau!" Now swiftly through the land, Mr Messenger man, with your bags up and down , and bring, as we are accustomed to, many beautiful reports and lessons in them. At suger bread and marzipan for the little child there should be no lack. |
Ab der 5. Auflage 1820 erschienen die
Alemannischen Gedichte bei Heinrich Zschokke in Aarau in der Schweiz.
Für diese Auflage, die eher eine Neuausgabe darstellt. fügte Hebel 12 weiter Gedichte an (die er teilweise aber schon früher verfasst hatte), zu denen auch das o. a. gehört. Hebel hat hier die "Hochzeit" seiner Alemannischen Gedichte - der Braut - mit Zschokkes Schweizerboten - dem Bräutigam - auf einzigartige literarisch-poetische Art "gefeiert". Leider gibt es nur einen Brief von Hebel an Zschokke , die Nr. 134 vom 23. April 1805.
From the 5th edition in 1820, the
Alemannic Poems were published by Heinrich Zschokke in Aarau,
Switzerland. For this edition, which is more of a new edition, Heinrich Zschokke published the "sincere and well-experienced Schweizerbote" in Lucerne from 1798-1800 and in Aarau from 1804. It was initially published as a weekly, later two to three times a week and finally six times a week. Zschokke was both publisher and editor until 1842; his successor Heinrich Remigius Sauerländer was replaced by a succession of editors after 1847. The aim was the enlightened dissemination of the new liberal ideas, which is why the S. also campaigned for the implementation of freedom of the press. The S. was inexpensive, widely distributed and for a long time the only liberal newspaper in Switzerland for ordinary people. According to Zschokke's estimates, it reached up to 30,000 readers with 2,000-3,000 subscriptions. In 1878, the S. had to cease printing.
Johann Heinrich Daniel Zschokke (* 22. März 1771 in Magdeburg; † 27. Juni 1848 in Aarau), meist Heinrich Zschokke, auch Johann von Magdeburg und Johann Heinrich David Zschokke genannt, war ein deutscher Schriftsteller und Pädagoge. Er ließ sich in der Schweiz einbürgern, übernahm in der Folge zahlreiche politische Ämter und wirkte als liberaler Vorkämpfer und Volksaufklärer. Zschokke war zu seiner Zeit einer der meistgelesenen deutschsprachigen Schriftsteller. Außerdem machte er sich durch Forschungen zur älteren Geschichte der Schweiz und mit der Herausgabe volkserzieherischer Zeitschriften verdient, sein 1804 gegründetes Wochenblatt Der aufrichtige und wohlerfahrne Schweizerbote erschien bis 1878.
Heinrich Remigius Sauerländer (* 13.
Dezember 1776 in Frankfurt am Main; † 2. Juni 1847 in Aarau) war ein
deutsch-schweizerischer Verleger. Sauerländer ließ sich 1800 in Basel
nieder und arbeitete bei dem Buchdrucker und Buchhändler Samuel Flick
(1772–1833) dessen Geschäft an der Schifflände war. 1802 wurde
Sauerländer für 750 Louis d’or Teilhaber. In Aarau eröffnete Flick eine
Filiale seiner Buchhandlung, einen Zeitschriftenverlag und eine
Buchdruckerei, denen hauptsächlich Sauerländer vorstand. 1806
übersiedelte Sauerländer, der am 5. Juli 1803 in Gelterkinden Maria
Rhyner (1775–1846) geheiratet hatte, nach Aarau. Am 1. August 1807
trennte sich Sauerländer von Flick und übernahm die Geschäfte in Aarau,
gründete den Verlag Sauerländer und verlegte u. a. die Gesamtausgabe des
Werkes von H. Zschokke. Johann Heinrich Daniel Zschokke (* 22 March 1771 in Magdeburg; † 27 June 1848 in Aarau), usually known as Heinrich Zschokke, also known as Johann von Magdeburg and Johann Heinrich David Zschokke, was a German writer and educator. He was naturalised in Switzerland, subsequently held numerous political offices and worked as a liberal pioneer and popular enlightener. Zschokke was one of the most widely read German-language writers of his time. He also made a name for himself with his research into the older history of Switzerland and the publication of popular educational magazines; his weekly journal Der aufrichtige und wohlerfahrne Schweizerbote, founded in 1804, was published until 1878. Heinrich Remigius Sauerländer (* 13 December 1776 in Frankfurt am Main; † 2 June 1847 in Aarau) was a German-Swiss publisher. Sauerländer settled in Basel in 1800 and worked for the printer and bookseller Samuel Flick (1772-1833), whose shop was on the Schifflände. In 1802, Sauerländer became a partner for 750 louis d'or. In Aarau, Flick opened a branch of his bookshop, a magazine publishing house and a book printing works, which were mainly managed by Sauerländer. In 1806, Sauerländer, who had married Maria Rhyner (1775-1846) in Gelterkinden on 5 July 1803, moved to Aarau. On 1 August 1807, Sauerländer separated from Flick and took over the business in Aarau, founded the Sauerländer publishing house and published, among others, the complete edition of H. Zschokkes works.
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Übersetzung in Hochdeutsch: Hansjürg Baumgartner Übersetzung in Englisch: DeepL (free version)